Anjana, N. S., Amarnath, A., Chitra S. V., Harindranathan Nair M. V., Subin, K. J.
Population Vulnerability Assessment around a LPG storage and Distribution Facility near Cochin Using ALOHA and GIS,
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention(23-31),
Anjana, N. S., Nair, M. H., Sajith, K. S., Amarnath, A., &Indu, I
Accidental release of ammonia from a storage tank and the effects of atmosphere on the affected area using ALOHA.,
Indian Journal of Scientific Research(1-8),
Chithra, S. V., Amarnath, A., Harindranathan, Nair. M. V., Anjana, N. S
Impact of Impervious Surfaces on the Environment.,
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 4(5)(27-31),
Chithra, S. V., Amarnath, A., Sajith, K. S., Anjana, N. S., Harindranathan, Nair M. V
Mapping and Change Ditection of Built- up Impervious Surfaces in and around Kochi using GIS,
International Journal of Engineering and Science Research. 5(6).(403-410),